Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

Ka`u News Briefs May 4, 2011

The coffee berry borer destroys Ka`u Coffee beans by living inside the cherry.  Photo by Geneveve Fyvie
THE COFFEE BERRY BORER has found its way to the Cloud Rest coffee-growing area above Pahala. During the monthly meeting of the Ka`u Coffee Growers Cooperative, Chris Manfredi, who represents the owners of the coffee lands, announced that only one farm is know to have been affected. 
     Dr. Elsie Burbano, a researcher at UH-Manoa, urged everyone to work together to control what she called the most economically harmful pest in Hawai`i. She discussed methods of monitoring, trapping and controlling the CBB. 
University of Hawai`i volunteers and coffee farmer Bull Kailiawa
use GPS to locate wild coffee and look for coffee berry borers.
Photo by Geneveve Fyvie
     Integrated pest management is the best control, she said. This involves using multiple methods to keep the pest population at a lower level. 
     She said that a difficult but important part of controlling the pest is sanitation. Farmers should remove berries from the ground and raisins from the branches because the CBB can live in them for months and then move to other berries. After they’re collected, they should either be buried or burned.
     Burbano discussed the use of a fungus that can be sprayed to control the pest. She emphasized that the spray must contact the CBB and that results take about two weeks to show up, so patience is important.
     Manfredi said, “We’re going to fight this bug, not each other.” He pledged to make pesticides, tools and manual labor available to any farmers who need help. He urged all farmers to cooperate with the Department of Agriculture to help keep the problem under control. 

NATIVE HAWAIIAN SENATORS testified for a bill at the Legislature that would give formal recognition for Hawaiians. It calls for a commission of five, overseen by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, to define and create a list of Native Hawaiians. Those on the list would have standing as native Hawaiians to negotiate with the state on land use and cultural issues. This state recognition is patterned after the Akaka Bill, long supported by Sen. Dan Akaka, which would give Hawaiians similar rights as those enjoyed by American Indians.
     Sen. Malama Solomon said the bill could help with reconciliation for the overthrow of the kingdom of Hawai`i. Before the Senate, Solomon read from Queen Lili`uokalani’s Prayer “Protect us beneath your wings. And let peace be our portion. Now and forevermore.”

ROYALTIES AND LEASING of state resources for alternative energy will be studied, using geothermal as an example, now that a resolution supported by Sen. Gil Kahele has passed the state Senate yesterday. The resolution calls for a state audit of the state leasing out resources for geothermal and royalties paid. The state Board of Land & Natural Resources is required under law to “fix the payment of royalties to the state for geothermal resources at a rate which will encourage the initial and continued production of such resources.” 

Keiki perform at yesterday's May Day
celebration in Pahala.
Photos by Tanya Ibarra
May Day royalty presided over the
celebration at Pahala Elementary
& Intermediate Schools yesterday.
LONGER SCHOOL DAYS are in store for public students across the state if Gov. Neil Abercrombie signs the bill, Act 167, which passed the Legislature. All high schools and middle schools would have to provide 5.5 hours of daily instruction by 2014, and all elementary schools would offer 5.5 hours a day by the 2012 – 2013 school year. By 2016 ten more school days would be added. The state has to negotiate with the teachers union for more instruction time. Public Charter Schools would be exempt from the law. 

Another group of students performs for
 their families and guests at May Day.
Contemporary dance was part of the
May Day celebration.
MAY DAY CELEBRATIONS are happening throughout this month. Ka`u High School’s celebration was Monday, and Pahala Elementary and Intermediate School’s was yesterday. Na`alehu Elementary’s celebration is scheduled for Friday, May 20 at 12:30 p.m. in the gym. Ka`u Hospital has one on Friday, May 27. 

THE DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES for the Ka‘ū Coffee Recipe Contest has been extended to this Saturday, May 7. Categories include smoke meat, pupus/appetizers, savory snacks, entrees and desserts.
     Applications are available at R&G Store in Pāhala and online at www.kaucoffeefest.com. Contact Michelle Galimba at 430-4927 or mgalimba@kuahiwiranch.com for more information.

`O KA`U KAKOU MEETS at the Aspen Center on tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. The group is looking for help with the Ka`u Family Fun Fest in June that includes a half marathon, 10K and 5K races and basketball, archery, Portuguese horseshoe and Jen Ken Po tournaments. All proceeds go to the Bay Clinic building fund. Call Nadine at 928-0027 or Wayne at 937-4773 for more information.

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