Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

Ka`u News Briefs May 17, 2011

Sustainable Resources International, Inc. came to Honu`apo to make the wetlands study. Its co-principal Andy Hood
gave a presentation Sunday to local residents.  Photo by Kristin Dunn

PUBLIC COMMENTS are still being taken for the Wetlands Habitat Restoration Plan for Honu`apo Estuary. The deadline for comments is this Friday, May 20. The goal is to improve local and migratory bird habitat, and the proposal calls for controlling avial predators like cats, dogs and mongoose with active predator control, predator-proof fencing around the Honu`apo estuary, and removing kiawe trees and other alien vegetation to restore freshwater input. Alien vegetation in the mudflats would also be removed to improve bird forage habitat. Endemic and native plants would be planted to provide habitat. The effort would be to restore more open mudflats for foraging birds and deepwater pools for birds, fish and turtles. Call Ka `Ohana O Honu`apo executive director Lehua Lopez Mau to see the complete plan and with questions at 929-9891.

Sen. Dan Akaka
SEN. DAN AKAKA is backing up Hawai`i’s new law to force lenders to negotiate with property owners in foreclosure. He and ten other senators have introduced the Regulation of Mortgage Servicing Act. The bill is aimed at helping homeowners who are at risk of foreclosure stay in their homes by bringing more fairness and transparency into their dealings with mortgage servicers. 
     According to Akaka staffers, the act would end the dual track process, under which a foreclosure process proceeds at the same time that a homeowner is being considered for non-foreclosure alternatives. It would also require banks and other mortgage servicers to create a single point of contact for homeowners to work with and provide an independent, third-party review before sending a family to foreclosure.
     “My office has received countless requests for help from local families frustrated by delays, confusion, broken promises, and conflicting advice from their loan servicers. These families are simply trying to find a way to stay in their homes, and the added hardships they have endured are inexcusable,” Akaka said. “This legislation will help families and loan servicers to communicate and work more effectively toward their mutual benefit.”
     Hawai`i ranked 11th in the nation for foreclosures with one of every 45 housing units receiving a foreclosure filing during 2010. There were 12,435 properties with foreclosure filings — including notices of default, public auctions and bank repossessions — in Hawai`i last year.

THE LEGACY LAND CONSERVATION program is not only protecting coastal lands and other scenic places, it is purchasing agricultural land for preservation. The state Legacy Land fund is providing $4.5 million in grants for the purchase of lands on the Big Island and O`ahu, with $7.6 million in private, federal and county money.
     The legacy land money comes from ten percent of the state income from a tax generated when properties change hands. It is called the land conveyance tax. Ten percent of the conveyance tax goes to the Legacy Land Conservation Fund, and a commission decides which parcels to buy. This year’s funding goes to ag land in North Kohala and near the Turtle Bay resort on O`ahu, as well as a heiau and wetland. Ideas for other ag lands to be preserved are being taken for next year.

Ka`u Coffee Mill owner Ed Olson and miller Lee Segawa
check the coffee beans.  Photo by Julia Neal
THE NEW KA`U COFFEE MILL hosted visitors during the Ka`u Coffee Festival over the weekend. The mill can now take coffee cherry and mill it, dry it, hull it and roast it. Ka`u Coffee Mill has a Pinhalense mill and Diedrich Roaster. It is located on Wood Valley Road. To make an appointment to visit the mill or to bring in coffee call 928-0500. 

KILAUEA DRAMA & ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK is holding auditions for their July presentation of Gilbert and Sullivan’s operetta Patience. They are looking for five women, five men, a chorus of maidens and dragoons of all ages. Auditions take place at Kilauea Military Camp Theater in Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park tonight starting at 6:30 p.m. Contact Suzi Bond at 982-7344 or

NANI KAHUKU `AINA will present plans for their Kahuku Village development along the coast near Ocean View on Thursday at 5:30 p.m. at Yano Hall in Captain Cook. Refreshments will be provided. For more information, call project manager Aaron Eberhardt at 808-224-5308.

Precious Ka`awa's Ka`u Coffee Espresso
Brownies.  Photo by Geneveve Fyvie
KA`U COFFEE RECIPE CONTEST winner for the student category in Candies, Drinks and other Desserts is Precious Ka`awa, with her Ka`u Coffee Espresso Brownies. The winning recipe will be included in a cookbook to be produced by the Ka`u Coffee Festival. The recipe contest is an annual event at the Ka`u Coffee Festival at Pahala Community Center. 

THE ENDANGERED HAWAIIAN PETREL is the topic of After Dark in the Park tonight at 7 p.m. at Kilauea Visitor Center Auditorium in Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park. Seth Judge, from UH-Hilo, presents his graduate research on this species that has suffered a drastic decline because of numerous threats.

ALSO AT KILAUEA VISITOR CENTER AUDITORIUM, Halau Hula Kalehuaki‘eki‘eika‘iu, under the direction of kumu hula Ab Valencia, performs tomorrow from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. 

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