Jumat, 04 November 2011

Ka`u News Briefs Nov. 4, 2011

The 218.6 square mile Hionamoa Watershed. The exact meaning of Hionamoa is unknown.  Images from
THE RAIN FOLLOWS THE FOREST is an $11 million a year plan to protect Hawaiian island watersheds from invasive species. Gov. Neil Abercrombie announced the program yesterday, saying it could create at least 150 jobs and reinvigorate the Youth Conservation Corps, which could plant native vegetation and remove invasive animals and plants. 
The 19.3 square mile Ninole Gulch
Watershed. Ninole means bending.
The 3.6 square mile Kaunamano
Watershed. Kaunamano means
multitudes are placed here. 
     Abercrombie was speaking to the 2011 convention of the Society of American Foresters, saying watershed protection saves water for drinking and agriculture. Abercrombie called conserving groundwater a “very high priority,” and said levels have decreased substantially on Maui and O`ahu. He noted that rainfall has decreased in the last 20 years. He said invasive species are shrinking forested areas on the Big Island and gave Tahiti as an example where much of the rainforest is destroyed. According to the governor, about 10 percent of Hawai`i’s watersheds are conserved, and he wants to double the protected areas over the next decade. 
The 49.2 square mile Hilea Gulch
Watershed. Hilea, according to
Place names of Hawai`i, literally
means careless.
The 30.8 square mile Wai`ohinu
Watershed. Wai`ohinu means
shiny water.
     Abercrombie said he is going to the Legislature, federal government and private partners to help solve the problem.
     “The best time to start protecting our mauka watersheds was decades ago,” he said. “The second best time is now.” He told the foresters from around America about the `ahupua`a land use system in old Hawai`i and the concept of “pono” and said that conserving the watershed is the right thing to do.
     Maps of watersheds can be seen at www.hawaiiwatershedatlas.com/ha_kau.html.

COUNTY COUNCIL REDISTRICTING is a long way from finished. More than 50 people testified in person, and more than 75 sent in testimony from all over the island as of yesterday’s public meeting in Hilo. The county charter calls for the new redistricting maps to be turned in to elections officials in less than two months. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, Nov. 10 when a final draft plan will be presented, followed by public hearings at 6 p.m. on Monday Nov. 21 at County Council chambers in Hilo and Tuesday, Nov. 22 at the Kona Civic Center.
     The major decision that affects Ka`u is whether to split Waikoloa Village from Kohala or split Volcano from Ka`u. Splitting Volcano from Ka`u in the Ka`u Desert could pit council member Brittany Smart against Brenda Ford in the 2012 election.

Guy Kaulukukui  Photo
 from The Kohala Center
DLNR LISTENING SESSIONS, sponsored by the state Department of Land and Natural Resources, Sen. Gil Kahele and others, happen today and tomorrow. DLNR chair William J. Aila, Jr., first deputy and Volcano resident Guy H. Kaulukukui, and state water deputy Bill M. Tam will be on island to hear community comments, and questions, and listen to concerns about matters under the department’s jurisdiction. 
     Also attending will be members of the state Senate Committee on Water, Land and Housing, including chair Donovan Dela Cruz and vice chair Malama Solomon.
     The Hilo meeting will be this evening from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Waiakea High School Cafeteria. The Kona meeting will be tomorrow from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at Konawaena High School Cafeteria in Kealakekua.

Bay Clinic's new facility in will be in front of its
plantation-style clinic in Na`alehu.
CONSTRUCTION ON BAY CLINIC’S NEW FACILITIES on the makai side of Hwy 11 in Na`alehu will begin soon. Groundbreaking and a blessing and celebration are tomorrow at 10 a.m. on site, and the public is invited. The new building will be constructed in front of the old plantation-style clinic with room to see 3,400 new patients with 8,500 new appointments a year. Services will include medical, dental and counseling. 
     At the groundbreaking tomorrow, Kahu Kauila Clark will lead the blessing, Keoki Kahumoku will provide music, and County Council member Brittany Smart, John Buckstead for Gov. Neil Abercrombie, and Ross Wilson for Sen. Daniel Akaka will give speeches.
     To RSVP for the blessing, call Sarah Ferreira at 895-5872.

THE FALL FLING ARTS & CRAFTS FAIR takes place tomorrow from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Punalu`u Bake Shop. Local artists offer their arts for holiday shopping, and entertainment is scheduled throughout the day. Call 929-8694 for more information.

Miss Ka`u Coffee 2011, Brandy Shibuya, with her court First Princess Jaeneise Cuison (left) and
Second Princess Brandy Eder (right).  
MISS KA`U COFFEE, BRANDY SHIBUYA, is vying for a title that could send her to Honolulu for the Miss Hawai`i competition. She will compete in the Miss Aloha and Miss Kona Coffee competitions tomorrow. The UCC-Miss Kona Coffee and Miss Aloha Pageants will be held at the Sheraton Keauhou Bay Resort & Spa Convention Center beginning at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are still available to support her effort. Call the ticket hotline at 557-0677.

HALAU HULA KA NO`EAU, with kumu hula Keikilani Curnan and Liana Aviero, perform hula kahiko tomorrow from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on the hula platform overlooking Kilauea Crater in Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park. Cultural demonstrations take place from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Volcano Art Center Gallery. Park entrance fees apply.

THE KA`U COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN STEERING COMMITTEE meets Tuesday, Nov. 8 at 5:30 p.m. at Ocean View Community Center. The meeting will focus on the CDP production process. Committee chair Leina`ala Enos will explain the purpose and scope of the CDP, the roles of the Steering Committee, the meeting agenda and the Sunshine Law. For more information, contact Ron Whitmore at 961-8742 or rwhitmore@co.hawaii.hi.us.

KEOKI KAHUMOKU hosts a free concert at Pahala Plantation House on Veterans Day, Friday, Nov 11. Performers are Reverend Dennis Kamakahi; George Kahumoku, Jr.; Moses Kahumoku; John and Hope Keawe; James Hill; Anne Davison; Ramone Camarillo; David Kamakahi; Keoki Kahumoku; the Ka`u High School Ensemble; One Journey; Brad Bordessa; Makana Kamahele; Bradley Llanes; Derek Velez and more. The concert starts at 11 a.m. The Ka`u High Ensemble will fundraise with the sale of plate lunches and bottled water. 

ALSO NEXT FRIDAY, a Veterans Day celebration takes place at Na`alehu Park. Sponsored by the Ka`u Multicultural Society, the event begins with a pule at 9 a.m. by Rev. Troy Gacayan, followed by guest speakers, including County Council member Brittany Smart. There will be displays of veterans’ photos and war mementos, along with concessions, games and entertainment from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
     To sign up for a booth or to volunteer, call 640-8740 or 990-9327. 

A FLOATING LANTERN CEREMONY for the Ka`u community will take place Saturday, Nov. 26 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Punalu`u Black Sands Beach. It is sponsored by Ka`u Rural Health Community Association in partnership with the American Cancer Society and HMSA, according to KRHCA founder Jesse Marques. Registration is required, and donations will be used for a college scholarship fund for students enrolled in health careers. Participants are asked to bring a community Thanksgiving potluck. There will be Taiko drummers, music, cultural dance, interfaith chants and prayers, followed by a lantern release into the ocean. For more information, call Ka`u Resource and Distance Learning Center at 928-0101.

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