Senin, 11 Juli 2011

Ka`u News Briefs July 11, 2011

The Ka`u Coast is featured in Trash Inc: The Secret Life of Garbage.
KA`U’S KAMILO BEACH IS FEATURED on the CNBC production called Trash Inc: The Secret Life of Garbage. The television show covers the overwhelming garbage problem in China, garbage emitting methane to fuel the U.S. BMW manufacturing plant, and plastic bottles used for making fibers for everything from T-shirts to carpets. It focuses on Kamilo Beach here in Ka`u as an example of what is happening to the world’s beaches. They are turning into plastic - even tiny grains of plastic sand. The program mentions the volunteers who clean up Kamilo through the Hawai`i Wildlife Fund. It also interviews the founder of the Algalita Marine Research Foundation and its leader, Capt. Charles Moore, who discovered the Great Pacific Garbage Patch a decade ago, floating between here and California, and larger than the continental U.S.
Capt. Charles Moore and his team visit Kamilo Beach in Ka`u.
Photo courtesy of Algalita Marine Research Foundation
     Interviewed at Kamilo Beach, Moore says the plastics won’t degrade for 600 years and that in addition to helping clean it up, the best way to prevent plastics from going into the ocean is “source reduction.” He said products made of plastic should be designed by planning to recycle them into new products before they are made. Only about 20 percent of plastics are recycled in the U.S., and U.S. companies making products out of recycled plastics have to import them from countries that recycle more, like Argentina, showing the low rate of recycling here compared to some other countries.
     Moore also said it would be impossible to skim the entire world ocean to get rid of the plastics, since the ocean covers one third of the planet. Most plastics circulating in the ocean are thrown on the side of roads, rivers and streams, where they work their way down to the sea. Trash Inc was first aired last September, is being repeated on MSNBC and can be watched online at Search Trash Inc. in the video gallery. The Algalita Marine Research Foundation also has a video on
     Hawai`i Wildlife Fund’s next cleanup along the Ka`u coast will be held on Saturday, Sept. 17.

Andrew Hetzel wants transparency
in judging Hawai`i Coffee.
Photo by Julia Neal
COFFEE CONSULTANT ANDREW HETZEL is calling for more transparency and publishing of results at the Hawai`i Coffee Association cupping competition held over the weekend. Hetzel told Hawai`i 24/7 that the Hawai`i Coffee Association departed from practices at this year’s competition by “not publishing a list of point scores or ranking of the top ten coffees statewide. Only the top three farms from each district will be named, a move that we calculate was made after last year’s event where only one Kona coffee placed in the list of top five Hawaiian coffees,” noted Hetzel.
     “Bowing to fragile egos and political pressure to not disclose fairly and objectively selected quality ranking data undermines the core value of competition and discredits those who excel, Hetzel said.
     “Most egregiously, the association announced at its award ceremony that every farm submitting a sample will receive a certificate imprinted with only the positive cupping characteristics of their coffee — criticism and constructive comments would arrive separately in a private letter. In a contest where everyone is a winner, what is the incentive to improve? Are Hawai`i’s farms submitting coffees to improve their chances of survival in competition with others from around the world or are they just looking for a shiny new plaque to place on the wall of a visitor center to (falsely) impress the next boatload of uneducated tourists? asked Hetzel.
     “The lack of transparency at this year’s event embarrassingly proclaims to the specialty coffee industry that farmers from Hawai`i still see no difference in medals awarded by the Olympics and Special Olympics; no difference in achievement and participation,” Hetzel told Hawai`i 24/7. See www.hawaii24/

The quality of Ka`u Coffee has made it a top finisher in local and international competitions. Photo by Julia Neal

MIGUEL MEZA, who has worked for the Ka`u Coffee Growers Cooperative as a consultant, was also on hand at the Hawai`i Coffee Association event. Coffee consultant Andrew Hetzel described Meza in a Hawai`i 24/7 story as an “honorary” member of the Obra family who joined the Obras to receive the grand champion award from newsman Howard Dicus.

GLORIA CAMBA, president of the Ka`u Coffee Growers Association, presented the co-op’s coffee to Japanese buyers at the Hawai`i Coffee Association event. Camba said she was very happy that Ka`u Coffee is winning so many awards and also credited the Ka`u Coffee Mill on Wood Valley Road with making processing easier for the farmers. Camba and Bong Aquino’s own Ka`u Royal Coffee came in first for the Ka`u region three years ago at the Hawai`i Coffee Association cupping competition – the first year that Ka`u competed.

Leo Norberte was one of the top place finishers in the Hawai`i
Coffee Association competition on Saturday in Waikoloa.
Photo by Julia Neal
CHRIS MANFREDI, of Ka`u Farm & Ranch, LLC, gave the Ka`u report at the Hawai`i Coffee Association’s annual meeting and trade show over the weekend and was re-elected to the HCA’s Board of Directors. He noted the Miss Ka`u Coffee Pageant, successes of Ka`u Coffee farmers at the international Specialty Coffee Association of America’s Expo this year, and for five consecutive years. He highlighted the third annual Ka`u Coffee Festival’s role in helping to build the industry. He said media attention went worldwide through the Associated Press picking up the Ka`u Coffee story. He joked that Ka`u has its own “Kamehameha” and showed a photo of Bull Kailiawa, who won Coffee of the Year from the U.S. and Hawai`i at the 2011 SCAA Expo. He also congratulated Lorie Obra of Rusty’s Hawaiian for winning Grand Champion of Hawaiian Coffee two years in a row at the HCA’s statewide annual cupping competition. Manfredi said that every time one Ka`u farmer wins a coffee award, all the farmers benefit. Manfredi manages the property where many of the award-winning coffee farms are located. He is also owner of Ka`u Local Products, which markets Ka`u Coffee and other local products.

THE PAHALA SENIOR CLUB meets tomorrow at 9 a.m. at the Pahala Senior Center. Call 928-3101 for more information.

Maile Yamanaka   Photo courtesy of Volcano Art Center
VOLCANO ART CENTER presents the Arts and Traditions of Hula at Kilauea tomorrow at the Gallery in Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park. Kumu Maile Yamanaka offers basic lessons in hula, crafts and `ukulele. The free lessons are open to all ages, and no experience is necessary. Call 967-8222 to sign up.

REDISTRICTING OF HAWAI`I COUNTY is the topic at a District 6 Matters meeting on Wednesday at 7 p.m. at Cooper Center in Volcano Village. County Council member Brittany Smart and attorney Michael Udovic, from the office of Corporation Counsel, will be on hand to answer questions.

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