Senin, 09 Mei 2011

Ka`u News Briefs May 9, 2011

Miss Ka`u Coffee Brandy Shibuya performed the opening hula at a fundraiser for Japan at the
Waikoloa Bowl amphitheater on Saturday.

UPDATES ON THE KA`U COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN are available online at Ron Whitmore, the county planner assigned to the task, notes that several issues are on the table for the community. Council member Brittany Smart has introduced Resolution 60-11, Delaying Council Action on Certain Land Use Approvals, calling for no general plan amendments or zoning changes until the development plan is approved. She plans to hold a District 6 Matters meeting to discuss it with the community on Thursday, June 9 at 7 p.m. at Na`alehu Community Center.
Meyer Camp Road, the proposed site of `Aina Koa Pono's
proposed biofuel refinery.  Photo by Julia Neal
     The site proposed for the `Aina Koa Pono biofuels project is off of Meyer Camp Road, between Wood Valley Road and the Hester farm. State land use law and the Hawai`i County zoning code permit the proposed facility with plan approval, said Whitmore. No General Plan amendment, rezoning, or environmental assessment is required, so no approvals from the Planning Commission or the County Council are required, he said.
     Whitmore can be contacted at 967-8137 or

THE STATE FREIGHT TAX on imported goods has gone up from 50 cents to 75 cents per 1,000 pounds to help pay for agricultural inspectors to keep out invasive species. The tax, just passed by the state Legislature, could bring in as much as $5.25 million per year and help fund the return of some of the 37 inspectors let go during the administration of Gov. Linda Lingle. Hilo is looking for one job to be reinstated, while Kona is looking for two, including an entomologist. Another tax increase – this one on petroleum products imported to Hawai`i – could help pay for a fight against the coffee berry borer and varroa mite out of a fund for food security and ag development.

Shizuno Nasu and Miss Ka`u
Coffee Brandy Shibuya
Photo by Julia Neal
TWO FUNDRAISERS FOR VICTIMS of the Japan tsunami in March were supported by Miss Ka`u Coffee over the weekend. Coffee queen Brandy Shibuya performed the opening hula at the Mother’s Day fundraiser for Japan at the Waikoloa Bowl amphitheater on Saturday. The dance interpreted the Teresa Bright song Poliahu. Representing the Ka`u Coffee industry, she gave a talk about the importance of reaching out to Japan. On Sunday she represented Ka`u Coffee at a fundraiser for tsunami victims at Volcano Art Center, where dancer Shizuno Nasu performed. Miss Ka`u Coffee will perform at the Ka`u Coffee Festival during the ho`olaule`a this Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and the educational day and farm tours on Sunday, May 15. 

KA`U HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION is set for Friday, May 20 at 5 p.m. at the school gym. The keynote speaker is Kurt Dela Cruz, and 62 students are planning to graduate. Call 928-2088.
     Hawai`i Community College will host its ceremony for approximately 420 graduates at Edith Kanakaole Stadium in Hilo on Friday, May 13 at 7 p.m. Keynote speaker is Mayor Billy Kenoi. Call 933-0702.
     West Hawai`i Community College will host its graduation on Saturday, May 14, at 1:30 p.m. at Sheraton Keauhou Beach Hotel with about 64 students graduating. Keynote speaker is former newscaster and now associate vice president of External Affairs for U.H. Lynn Waters. Call 322-4856.
     University of Hawai`i at Hilo will see more than 600 students graduate at Edith Kanakaole Stadium in Hilo at 9 a.m. on Saturday, May 14. The speaker will be Dr. Hank C.K. Wuh, founder and CEO of Cellular Bioengineering. 

KA`U RESIDENTS WHO have been taking scrap metal to the Kea`au Solid Waste Transfer Station will have to hold off until late October. Both the green waste and scrap metal collection site will be closed starting today and will be closed until Friday, Oct. 28. The transfer station is being redesigned to be more accessible and easier to use. Except for green waste and scrap metal collections, all services will remain open at the Kea`au Transfer Station during the construction period. For more information, contact Michael Friend, SWD Civil Engineer, at 961-8296 or go to the County Solid Waste Division’s website: 

THE KA`U HIGH VARSITY BOYS volleyball team ended their bid for states on Friday after losing to the West Division II number two seed HPA. Ka`u won the first game, 25-18, but HPA came back to win the next three despite the Trojans’ efforts. Scores were 17-25, 25-27 and 12-25. Callen Koi served up three aces. Kill-leader was junior Holden Galigo with eight kills, followed by senior Tyler Navarro-Villa making seven and senior Donald Garo putting down six. Senior setter Kasey Camba helped his team with 21 assists and 11 digs. Navarro-Villa played hard, also making 10 digs.
Kilohana Domingo presented an `oli at
 Gov. Neil Abercrombie's confirmation
 ceremony in Pahala in December.
Photo by Geneveve Fyvie
KILOHANA DOMINGO DEMONSTRATES the intricate art of feather work on the lanai of Kilauea Visitor Center on Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. His mother, Lehua, also shares her `anoni style of weaving pandanus leaves into hat designs. Park entrance fees apply. 

HAWAI`I COUNTY TRANSIT DIRECTOR Tom Brown discusses the Hele-On bus system and other mass transit issues at Ocean View Community Center on Wednesday at 7 p.m. The meeting is one of County Council member Brittany Smart’s District 6 Matters meetings. 

KA `OHANA O HONU`APO is inviting all the people of Ka`u to give their input, comments, and mana`o on their draft Honu`apo Wetlands Habitat Restoration Plan on Sunday, May 15, from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. at Honu`apo Park. Refreshments will be provided. Restoring bird habitat in Honu`apo’s wetlands has been a top priority of Ka `Ohana since its founding in 2005, said executive director Lehua Lopez-Mau. “Based on community input over the two-year park planning process which ran from 2008 to 2010 and culminated in the Honuʻapo Park Resources Management Plan finalized in June 2010, preserving and enhancing the natural and cultural resources of the park is one of the primary objectives in improving Honu`apo Park for the Ka`u community,” she said.
     Call Lopez-Mau at 929-9891 with any questions or for more information about the draft Honu`apo Wetlands Habitat Restoration Plan.

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