Minggu, 17 April 2011

Ka`u News Briefs April 17, 2011

The Miss Ka`u Coffee Pageant happens this Saturday, April 23 at the Ka`u High School gym.
Design by Tanya Ibarra
THE DEFERMENT OF FUNDING A NEW recycling and trash transfer station in Wai`ohinu was front and center this past week as the county had to repair a leaking sewer pipe that could have polluted Hilo Bay. Council member Brittany Smart said she agreed that the Wai`ohinu funding which was proposed at $8.8 million should be used for the sewer pipe in Keaukaha, since it was in danger of rupturing and could lead to gross pollution of the bay and tens of thousands of dollars levied against the county in fines. A four-inch break in the pipe was repaired by 3 a.m. yesterday morning after the pipe had been leaking about five gallons a minute, but did not reach the ocean. Department of Environmental Management Director Frank DeMarco said, “We are extremely grateful for the hard work and dedication of our Wastewater Division employees. They put in long hours on this plan to save our shoreline from the impact of untreated wastewater spilling into the ocean." 
     The Wai`ohinu transfer station upgrade has also been delayed in order to provide Ocean View with its own permanent transfer station.

The March tsunami smashed cars and washed away a house.
Photo by Julia Neal
A COMMUNITY MEETING about tsunami damage assistance will be held tomorrow, Monday, April 18 at 6 p.m. at Yano Hall in Captain Cook. Council members Brittany Smart and Brenda Ford co-host the meeting to provide information on the possibilities for financial or other assistance for damage or destruction created by the tsunami event in March. 

THE UNEMPLOYMENT RATE ON THE BIG ISLAND dropped by .5 percent in March, compared with the same month last year. The workforce on the island is estimated to be 84,000 people, with about 76,000 now working. The highest unemployment was Moloka`i with 10.8 percent, followed by Hawai`i County with 9.5 percent, Kaua`i 8.5 percent and Honolulu 5.5 percent.

THE STRUGGLE BETWEEN TRADITIONAL utility company production and distribution and delivery of electricity and new alternative energies is explained in the Honolulu Star Advertiser today by reporter Alan Yonan, Jr. He said homeowners and businesses going off-grid with solar and other alternatives are providing some competition with Hawai`i Electric Industries, which has to keep the oil-fired plants fired up to make back the money on their investments. The article reports producers of renewable energy complain that not enough solar and wind are being used. However, the electric company does support the manufacturing of biofuel which would be grown in Ka`u, refined near Pahala and driven up the highway to the oil-fired plant near Kona Airport.

Kahikina, the Polynesian Pirate
Photos by Julia Neal
Denise Peralta, the Deevah
KAHIKINA AND THE DEEVAH will emcee next Saturday’s Miss Ka`u Coffee Pageant at 5:30 p.m. at Ka`u High School Gym. The sold out event will include the competition for Miss Ka`u Coffee, Miss Ka`u Peaberry and Young Miss Ka`u Coffee. Kahikina, also known as the Polynesian Pirate and Tommy Ching, has been grand marshal of the Ka`u Fourth of July Parade and an emcee for many music workshops, events and radio shows on this island. The Deevah is a soulful singer and radio announcer on KAHU 91.7 FM public radio in Ka`u. Also known as Denise Peralta, she resides in Pahala and covers the 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. broadcast on KAHU. She also performs with Demetrius Oliveira and his band Keaiwa.
SIGN UP TODAY TO PARTICIPATE in `O Ka`u Kakou’s first annual Ka`u Family Fun Fest on Saturday, June 11 in Na`alehu. The deadline for early registration is May 11. Proceeds benefit the Ka`u Family Health Center Construction Fund. The event includes a half marathon, 10K and 5K runs along with a hunter’s obstacle course and tournaments in archery, Jan Ken Po, Portuguese horseshoes and Hi-Pal youth basketball. Register online at www.race360.com/15811 or call 961-4080. Anyone interested in volunteering, sponsoring or donating can call 265-8251 or email kaufamilyfunfest@gmail.com. 

KA`U MAIN STREET’S monthly plant and seed exchange at the Naohulelua Garden on Kamaoa Road takes place today from noon to 3 p.m. Sue Barnett will explain how to make the most of your garden, especially for growing food.
AFTER DARK IN THE PARK presents filmmaker Edgy Lee’s award-winning documentary film The Hawaiians – Reflecting Spirit this Tuesday, April 19 at 7 p.m. at Kilauea Visitor Center Auditorium. Lee says her film “offers important cultural insights into who the Hawaiians are as a people, their origins, historical challenges and current social conditions.”

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