Rabu, 03 November 2010


Council member Elect Brittany Smart and Governor Elect Neil Abercrombie
CHALLENGER BRITTANY SMART WON OUR LOCAL COUNTY COUNCIL SEAT yesterday in the general election. The 27 year old Democrat beat independent Guy Enriques with 59.5 percent of the vote. Enriques received 39.6 percent of the vote. Smart promised transparent, open government, to listen to everyone and represent all the voices of Ka`u and not just her own views.

NEIL ABERCROMBIE WON THE RACE FOR GOVERNOR OF HAWAI`I. The long-time congressman and Democrat said the Democratic party will never turn its back on poor people and the homeless. He also pledged to end all furlough days at schools.

TALKING ABOUT EDUCTION, voters decided that the school board will now be appointed by Governor Abercrombie. Lieutenant Governor Duke Aiona, the Republican who lost to Abercrombie, and has always championed children’s programs, said he will continue working in community service.

DEMOCRAT MAZIE HIRONO won re-election as our official in the U.S. House of Representatives. Hirono has helped preserve the Ka`u Coast with funding from congress and works on rural health care and early education for the keiki.

Rep. Bob Herkes won his re-election bid to the state House of Representatives.

Sen. Russell Kokubun won his re-election bid to the State Senate.
 STATE SENATOR RUSSELL KOKUBUN won his re-election bid. The Volcano resident is a leading candidate to become President of the Hawai`i State Senate now that Colleen Hanabusa is leaving the state senate to take Neil Abercrombie's place in the U.S. House of Representatives. The Democrats made a clean sweep of sending members of its party from Hawai`i to Washington, D.C.

ALL COUNTY CHARTER AMENDMENTS ON THE GENERAL ELECTION BALLOT have won the approval by voters. Among them is the Open Space fund that uses one percent of property taxes to buy land for parks, nature and conserve drinking water sources. These funds were used to preserve such places as Kawa and Honu`apo in Ka`u.

VOTERS ALSO PASSED A MEASURE that makes it easier to recall elected county officials not doing their job. It lowers the number of signatures required to 25 percent of the number of votes that elected the official.

VOTERS ALSO ADOPTED A MISSION FOR THE COUNTY: "To conserve and protect Hawai`i's Natural Beauty and all Natural and Cultural Resources."

WHETHER TO SELL OFF A PIECE OF KAMAOA ROAD to private landowners was a big election issue. Now the public will visit the site at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 9 along with the County Council and newly elected Ka`u council member Brittany Smart. The visit will be followed by a public hearing in Na`alehu.

THE KA`U COMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN will have its next steering committee meeting set for next Tuesday, November 9th at 5:30 p.m. at Na`alehu School Cafeteria. It is open to the public and this CDP plans the future or our district.

NOVEMBER 15 IS THE NEW DEADLINE TO GET ALL YOUR INFORMATION IN TO THE KA`U DIRECTORY. It includes Ka`u business listings, information about non-profit organizations and all the contact information. It is sponsored by the Ka`u Chamber of Commerce. Call 928-6471.

MANTRACKER - the hit reality TV show with local paniolo Leon Chow - shows off Ka`u next Tuesday, November 9th as Chow and Canadian tracker Terry Grant chase down human prey. The Ka`u episode premiers on the Discovery Science Channel at 4 p.m. local time and will be repeated throughout the week. Check Discovery TV listings for time.

WANT TO HELP KEIKI WITH THEIR GARDEN? Help Na`alehu School Garden this Saturday, Nov. 6 at 8 a.m. The keiki will be preparing the ground for planting.

SCHOLARSHIPS ARE STILL AVAILABLE for Ka`u students for the annual music workshop organized by Keoki Kahumoku and his Ohana. Some of the masters of `ukulele, guitar and music composition will be in Pahala for a week starting this Saturday, Nov. 6. For scholarships, call Kahumoku at 960-8385.

SHARING PLANTATION DAYS is the name of a celebration planned for fifteenth anniversary of Ka`u Sugar shutting down in 1996. If you have old photos, stories or interested in volunteering call Dorothy Kalua at 928-8486.

KA`U FAMILY HEALTH CENTER has received millions of dollars in funding to build a new Bay Clinic in front of the two story building along Hwy 11. The house will be retained for community services, while the new clinic will have six medial exam room, two dental offices, counseling rooms and labs.

THE NEXT CLEAN UP AT KAALUALU BAY has been set by the Hawaii Wildlife fund for Saturday, Nov. 13. The last cleanup hauled in 1,000 nets and more than 3,000 pounds of rubbish that washed up on our southern shoreline. To help out, meet at Wai`ohinu Park at 8:45 a.m. or call Megan Lamson at 769-7629.

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