Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

Ka'u News Briefs Dec. 15, 2011

Pahala School students of Keoki Kahumoku share their Hawaiian music and `ukulele skills at yesterday's
Christmas program.  Photo by Julia Neal
ALL OF THE OCEAN VIEW WELL major components and infrastructure are complete except for the HELCO electrical power supply, the county reported at its public meeting last night. HELCO is making adjustments to several Ocean View commercial and residential transformers in an effort to “balance” the voltage regulation required to run the sensitive high-voltage pumping equipment located 2,000 feet below the surface.
     Council member Brittany Smart moderated the community meeting in Ocean View last night with representatives of the Department of Water Supply talking to the public. DWS retiring manager and chief engineer Milton Pavao and engineer Kurt Inaba explained the unforeseen delays at the HOVE well pumping station. 
New water station location is off Lehua lane just off
Hwy 11 in Ocean View.
     The Ocean View well is the deepest well on the island that is managed by the DWS. The powerful three-phase submersible pump must push 100 gallons of water per minute up a 12-inch pipe nearly a half-mile to the 300,000-gallon reservoir. The entire pumping system must be thoroughly flushed before a quality water sample is taken and sent to the Department of Health and other corresponding agencies to ensure the water is safe for consumption. The testing process takes approximately two to three months.
     DWS representatives said they expect HELCO to complete the electrical adjustments by mid-January, enabling the contractor to bring water to the surface for testing. Once the pumping system is operational, applications for the 10 commercial meters will be announced in the newspapers, on the DWS website and at a future community meeting. The residential spigots are expected to be operational by March or April and are intended to provide residents access to potable drinking water.

“LAY YOUR SPEARS DOWN and embrace with aloha,” was the message of the address as the Office of Hawaiian Affairs held its annual ceremony yesterday. Robert Lindsey, who represents this area, attended the State of Hawaiian Homes delivery of the message at St. Andrews Cathedral on O`ahu.
     The address was delivered by OHA chair Colette Machado, who said, “We must always be protective of the open space along the shoreline.” She noted that Gov. Neil Abercrombie has proposed turning over 25 acres of shoreline on O`ahu at Kaka`ako. This would be part of the settlement with Native Hawaiians over ceded lands, which were acquired by the state from the territory which took it from the Kingdom of Hawai`i.
     She said she would favor public access to the shoreline “to gather as `ohana and to use that area to fish and also to bodysurf.”
     In addition to the land settlement, Machado said that OHA plans to continue to work on its effort to create a list of native Hawaiians for its roll call for self-determination.
     Former Governor John Waihe`e, who chairs the Roll Call Commission, said the goal is to “re-unify the sovereign entity of native Hawaiians one by one, by the thousands.”

West Ka`ili`ili entry is now open for viewing by hikers from the end of
Chain of Craters Road. Photo from USGS
HIKING TO THE LAVA FLOW from the end of Chain of Craters Drive is once again allowed by Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park. Lava from Kilauea’s remote Pu`u `O`o vent has reached the ocean within park boundaries, and scientists have named the spot the West Ka`ili`ili ocean entry. The hike is approximately four miles one-way across an uneven flow field. 
     Several streams of lava are pouring into the ocean, providing dramatic views. Visitors who stay after dark can also see channels of lava flowing down the pali and across the flow field, but conditions can change at any time.
     Hikers need to heed all warning signs and ranger advisories, and be aware of earth cracks and crevices, sharp terrain and rain-slick pahoehoe lava and other hazards. Steam plumes produced by lava entering the sea contain fine lava fragments and acid droplets that can be harmful. Scientists also confirmed that a lava delta is being formed at the base of a sea cliff at West Ka`ili`ili, and are monitoring the area closely. Lava deltas can collapse with little warning, produce hot rock falls inland, and generate large local waves.
     “Hikers must be adequately prepared with plenty of drinking water, dressed for rain or sunshine, wear sturdy, closed-toe shoes, carry a flashlight and spare batteries, and be in good physical shape for this hike,” said park superintendent Cindy Orlando.
     Visitors who do not want to hike out to the ocean entry can observe the wispy plume of the ocean entry from the end of Chain of Craters Road, near the ranger station. After sunset, flowing lava from Pu`u `O`o has been visible from the turnout on the hairpin curve on Chain of Craters Road, weather permitting.

HAWAI`I JOURNAL OF MEDICINE & PUBLIC HEALTH carries a story this month blaming chronic vog for runny eyes and red bumps on the inside of eyelids. The diagnosis is important because it is not an infectious disease of the eyelid. This vog-induced conjunctivitis is sometimes misdiagnosed for pink eye, says opthalmologist Jorge Camera, author of the study.
     He said it is important to identify vog conjunctivitis and to treat it early and effectively. All the patients in the study complained of itchiness and feeling a foreign object in the eye. Excessive tearing and burning was also reported in more than half the study group. The eye doctor said he plans to continue his study to find out why some people are affected and others are not. Also in question is the relationship between SO2 and conjunctivitis and particulates and conjunctivitis. Hawai`i Journal of Medicine & Public Health is available online at www.hjmph.org

Volunteers served more than 500 people at Hana Hou's annual keiki Christmas party yesterday. Photo by Tamryn Fyvie
IT WAS MERRY CHRISTMAS and a hearty meal for more than 500 people who turned up at Hana Hou Restaurant yesterday for the annual keiki Christmas party. Owner Drake Fujimoto said that approximately 300 keiki received gifts, with 42 bikes given away along with stuffed animals and even boxes of baby wipes for infants.
Shakas from Santa and keiki at Hana Hou Restaurant's
keiki Christmas party last night. Photo by Tamryn Fyvie
     Kids had photo opportunities with Santa, the Grinch and Gingerbread Boy. Keoki Kahumoku played music, and the rain held off for the outdoor celebration. Fujimoto thanked all the volunteers who served up food, helped set up and gave donations.

A FREE WORKSHOP to demystify the state legislative lawmaking process and introduce services available takes place today at 6 p.m. at Na`alehu School Cafeteria. Everyone is welcome, with no registration or prior experience required. Topics include an overview of the recently re-designed website, how to deliver effective testimony, and making sense of the calendar and deadlines. The workshop is sponsored by the Public Access Room, a division of the state’s non-partisan legislative Reference Bureau. For more information or to arrange individual tutorials or group workshops, call 974-4000, ext. 70478, or email par@capitol.hawaii.gov

Ka`u High School junior Leilani Desmond (r), of Green Sands, shows
 her display about using GigaPan photography to document the trash
and the cleaning of Kamilo Beach. Photo by Julia Neal
KA`U HIGH SCHOOL held its science fair last night. Winners will go to the East Hawai`i division, and winners from there will go to the state competition. Students interacted with the public, gaining experience in putting the science into language understandable to everyone as they showcased their projects. 

NA`ALEHU SCHOOL holds its Winterfest today at 12:30 p.m. Principal Darlene Javar will perform a dance routine as a reward for students selling 1,000 bags of cookies to raise money for prizes for the kids.

HAWAI`I VOLCANOES NATIONAL PARK and Queen Lili`uokalani Children’s Center are calling kids of all ages to Ka`u `Ohana Day at the park’s Kahuku Unit on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Participants will experience the medicinal values of Hawaiian plants as Ka`ohu Monfort shares her knowledge about la`au lapa`au. Other activities will include making feather kahili and playing makahiki games like `ulu maika, konane and moa pahe`e. Bring water, sunscreen and a ball cap. The entire `ohana is welcome.

ALSO AT THE KAHUKU UNIT on Saturday, hikers can explore Kipuka`akihi, an isolated refuge of rare plants in a remnant old-growth forest. To register for the hike and for more information on Ka`u `Ohana Day, call 985-6011.

THE KEIKI CHRISTMAS PARTY at Ocean View Community Center is on Saturday at 11 a.m. Everyone is invited to this free event, which includes food, music, gifts for every child under 12 and a visit from Santa.
     OVCA asks for donations of new, unwrapped gifts for the keiki. Residents can take ornaments off of Gift trees set up at merchants around Ocean View and buy gifts for children of age groups noted.
     For all donations of time, money and gifts, call 939-7033.

THE CHRISTMAS IN PAHALA celebration takes place Sunday at 5:30 p.m. around a lighted Christmas tree on Kamani Street. Donations are being taken for needy families who otherwise might not be able to afford a happy Christmas. Canned foods, turkeys, toys, gift certificates and beverages can be donated by calling Keala Kailiawa at 928-0500 or Pahala Plantation Cottages at 928-9811, or dropping donations by KAHU community radio station on Maile Street.

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