Senin, 21 November 2011

Ka'u News Briefs Nov. 21, 2011

The county Redistricting Commission's final draft map, showing new boundaries for District 6, is
 the subject of public hearings today and tomorrow.

THE COUNTY REDISTRICTING COMMISSION holds public hearings on its final draft map today and tomorrow. The map shows new District 6 boundaries, removing Kurtistown and Mountain View and adding Napo`opo`o, Captain Cook and Kealakekua. Kahaualea Road in Volcano is the northeastern boundary, and the border between Kealakekua and Honalo, on the mauka side of Hwy 11, is the northwestern boundary. Today’s hearing is at the West Hawai‘i Civic Center, and tomorrow’s is at Council Chambers in Hilo, both at 6 p.m. A final version of the map may be adopted at the commission’s next regular meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 30 at Council Chambers in Hilo. See the proposed redistricting map at 

Boys & Girls Clubs of Ka`u will walk in the annual Christmas Parade on Sunday, Dec. 11 in Pahala.
THE BOYS & GIRLS CLUB has launched a campaign drive for funding to continue its services for youth of Pahala, Na`alehu and Ocean View. The organization is the “Place for Kids” on weekdays after school and provides mentoring, after school study and outdoor activities. Anyone interested in donating to the Boys & Girls Club and becoming volunteer mentors can call 928-6471. Like many other nonprofit organizations, Boys & Girls Club is facing a severe budget crunch and is looking for financial support. The club is also looking for Boys & Girls Club alumni in Ka`u who might want to help with fundraising and programs. 

Boys & Girls Club members in Ka`u sang with Gov. Neil Abercrombie
  last December. The clubs are on a fundraising campaign
to carry them through the winter.  Photo by Julia Neal 
THE HAWAI`I POLICE DEPARTMENT is hoping that anyone with a bench warrant or knowing someone with a bench warrant will help the person take care of it by the end of the year and start 2012 with a clean slate. A bench warrant for an old parking ticket or other violation does not make a person a criminal and can be taken care of easily, the police department reminds everyone. Going to the Police Department can be much easier on a person than police showing up at a family setting or workplace. 

THE HISTORY AND FUTURE OF ENERGY in Hawai`i is the topic tomorrow at After Dark in the Park at 7 p.m. at Kilauea Visitor Center Auditorium in Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park. Kenyan Beals, Hawai`i Electric Light Company’s educational services coordinator, discusses how HELCO got its start, where we are today and plans for the future. Park entrance fees apply.

HOMELESSNESS IS A MAJOR PROBLEM in Hawai`i, according to statistics released last week by the University of Hawai`i. While it is more concentrated in Hilo and Kona and even more so on O`ahu, it reaches Ka`u at remote beaches and parks and sometimes involves people who grew up here, have had jobs in the past but can no longer find work. Some people have work but have to camp instead of rent a home in order to have enough money for gas to go to work and food for their families. Some families pool their food together and cook at beach parks, receiving gifts of fish from fishermen and other donors. Others wander around looking for handouts and odd jobs. Homeless often show up for free community dinners and are eager to take home leftovers. The University of Hawai`i report said that over the last year, some 14,200 homeless contacted an outreach agency or went to a shelter. The total on the Big Island was 1,422, but these are considered only some of the homeless people who are often called the “hidden homeless.” SMS Research, in a study with statistics from four years ago, estimated a quarter million people at risk of being homeless and nearly a hundred thousand hidden homeless statewide. SMS plans to release new numbers by 2012. A free Thanksgiving Day dinner will be held from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at Ocean View Community Center. 

PAHALA COMMUNITY CENTER’S annual Rubberband Turkey Shoot, open to all ages, is scheduled for Wednesday at 3 p.m. Call Nona at 928-3102 to sign up. 

     Hana Hou Restaurant has a buffet from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and dinner from 2 p.m. to closing. Call 929-9717 for reservations.
     South Side Shaka's Restaurant is serving dinner from noon to 9 p.m. Call 929-7404.
     Ocean View Community Center hosts its annual Thanksgiving feast from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Call 939-7033 to volunteer.
     Kilauea Military Camp has a Thanksgiving Day Buffet at the Crater Rim Café from 2:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The menu includes turkey, fettuccine, salads, desserts and more. Fees apply.

Volcano Artists Hui member
Emily Herb's `I`iwi teapot
THE VOLCANO ARTISTS HUI’s 25th Annual Art Studio Tour & Sale takes place this Friday through Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Visitors meet the artists and see artworks in many media on display and available for purchase at seven studios in Volcano Village. Maps are available at local businesses and at 

A FLOATING LANTERN CEREMONY for the Ka`u community takes place Saturday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. at Punalu`u Black Sands Beach. It is sponsored by Ka`u Rural Health Community Association in partnership with the American Cancer Society and HMSA, according to KRHCA founder Jesse Marques. Participants are asked to bring a Community Thanksgiving potluck. There will be Taiko drummers, music, cultural dance, interfaith chants and prayers, followed by a lantern release into the ocean. Registration is required, and donations will be used for a college scholarship fund for students enrolled in health careers. Call 928-0101.

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