Selasa, 08 Maret 2011

Ka`u News Briefs March 8, 2011

Spatters fly as high as 100 feet from the new fissures between
Pu`u `O`o and Halema`uma`u Craters. Photos from Hawaiian Volcano Observatory
KILAUEA VOLCANO continues to spew along a mile-long line of fissures between Pu`o `O`o and Halema`uma`u Craters. Some of the lava has been flying 50 to 100 feet into the air and providing a spectacular show for scientists who have been flying over the area and hiking into the lava flows. Hawaiian Volcano Observatory head scientist Jim Kauahikaua said this morning that the lava was spattering in two places.

This kind of activity was last seen
15 years ago.
Lava is flowing through the rain forest
and burning trees.
     This kind of activity at Kilauea last occurred almost 15 years ago. He said he doesn’t expect people outside of the park to be negatively affected by the new lava activity. However, the vog may travel over communities, as always, depending on which way the wind blows. This morning the air quality across Ka`u was good. Heavier trade winds were expected this afternoon that could bring some vog our way. 
     Inside Halema`uma`u, the lava remains deep in the vent, where more of the vent wall fell away yesterday, sending up huge dust plumes. The lava had come as close as 150 feet of the rim of the crater floor late last month, but is now more than 650 feet deep. The emissions rate is many times higher than during recent months. On March 7 it was measured at 1,100 tons per day.
     Emissions are also up from the fissures closer to Pu`u `O`o.

FOUR OF THE FIVE GAS STATIONS IN KA`U WERE POSTING PRICES OVER $4 a gallon for regular this morning. Nationwide this marks the highest price ever for gasoline in the month of March. Regular gas this morning was $3.95 at Kahuku Country Market, $4.01 at Kahala Gas and Ocean View Market, $4.03 at Ka`u Gas in Pahala and $4.09 at the 76 station in Na`alehu. Propane is also going up and was $5.55 a gallon at the 76 station in Na`alehu and $4.69 daily and $4.59 on Wednesdays and Saturdays at South Point U-Cart. At ACE in Ocean View it was $4.99 a gallon.

THE INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS union leadership has come to an agreement with Hawaiian Electric Company, and the strike could end later this week at its subsidiary Hawaiian Electric Light Company and other HECO companies around the state, if the union membership approves the agreement.

Mayor Billy Kenoi
MAYOR BILLY KENOI comes to Na`alehu School Cafeteria at 5:30 p.m. today to present his county budget message and to answer questions about anything having to do with county operations. Kenoi is expected to talk about his three-year program that has rolled back government to make it more affordable. Some of these cutbacks have been painful, he said, including discontinuing funding for the police cadet program, some of the funding for the Hawai`i Island Humane Society animal control, and cutting hours at solid waste transfer stations. 
     County agencies cancelled and delayed buying vehicles. They cut mileage payments for workers and delayed replacement of aging computers and the purchase of new software. Agencies cut advertising budgets for the mass transit system and other public education campaigns. Departments deferred and sometimes eliminated employee training.
     The budgets for law clerks’ salaries and expert witnesses and depositions were cut. The Fire Department delayed buying new trucks. Overtime spending was reduced 22 percent last year. There are 141 fewer people working for the county than when Kenoi took office. His new budget proposes to cut funding for an additional 100 currently vacant positions. The cut in the number of employees saves the county $7.1 million over three years, he said.

ONE JOURNEY is still raising money for the high school band’s trip to the statewide talent contest Brown Bags to Stardom to be held on Saturday, April 23. Money is needed for air and ground transportation and hotel rooms. The students almost sold out their CDs at $8 each, which has raised substantial money toward the effort. Donations can be dropped by KAHU radio station in Pahala or given to the members of the band or to their music teacher Laura Saijo at Ka`u High School.

Young Miss Ka`u Coffee candidate
Malia Nicole Corpuz

YOUNG MISS KA`U COFFEE candidate Malia Nicole Corpuz joins the new age category for the pageant, which also includes Miss Ka`u Coffee and Miss Peaberry, to be held Saturday, April 23 at Ka`u High School Gym. Sponsorships through tickets, advertising in the programs and $5 donations to become a Friend of the Miss Ka`u Coffee pageant are welcome. 

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