Jumat, 19 November 2010

Ka`u News Briefs Nov. 19, 2010

Coffee berry borer
TWO QUARANTINE AREAS for the Coffee Berry Borer are proposed by the Advisory Committee on Plants and Animals, which helps with the prevention of pests and invasive species throughout the islands. Ka'u coffee farmers Bull Kailiawa and Lorie Obra testified to the committee in Honolulu to separate Ka`u and Kona in the quarantines. One quarantine zone would extend from Kaloko in Kona to the Ka`u border at Manuka State Park. It is this region of South Kona where the destructive coffee borer has been found on many farms. With the two-tier quarantine, there would be tough restrictions on bringing green coffee, coffee plants and coffee bags from Kona to Ka`u. The state Board of Agriculture will take up the issue next Tuesday, November 23rd in Honolulu. In the meantime, the Department of Agriculture is assessing treatment and mitigation methods that would allow for the transport of green coffee beans from the quarantine zones.
     Volunteer coffee farmers are asking for anyone with wild or planted coffee trees with borers to call for help with stumping the trees and burning the branches to get rid of the coffee borers. Call Bull Kailiawa at 895-6099.

Marla and Peter Hunter
MARLA HUNTER, of Ka`u, has been elected to the board of the Hawai`i Fruit Growers Association. She and her husband Peter grow and graft 25 varieties of mango trees on their 15-acre Eke Nui Farm mauka of Highway 11 near the old Na`alehu Dairy site. Among the mangos they sell at Volcano Farmers Market are: Golden Glow, Gouveia, Manzanillo and Mapulehu. Marla said she is interested in drawing more Ka`u and Volcano members to the Hawai'i Fruit Growers. Call 929-8127 or email ekenuifarm@aol.com. See hawaiitropicalfruitgrowers.org. 

THE NEW TEMPORARY RUBBISH transfer station in Ocean View will be open for household trash beginning tomorrow from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the county Kahuku Park. The location for the bin is on Paradise Circle Makai, and the hours are every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The county will have an attendant on duty to accept only household rubbish in plastic bags. Commercial rubbish, metals or white goods such as washers, dryers, and refrigerators will be turned away. Recyclables are accepted at Wai`ohinu. Any questions? Call Environmental Management at 961-8083, or see http://www.hawaiizerowaste.org.
     The sudden appearance of the rubbish bin on land set aside for recreation and education at Kahuku Park will be one of the topics at the next Ka`u Chamber of Commerce meeting on Monday, Dec. 12 at Ocean View Community Center at 6 p.m. County staff will explain.

Tahnee-Lee Kakatin, Dayse Andrade, Dacy Davis-Andrade,
Malie Ibarra, Junially Manantan and Junialla Manantan are
Ka`u fifth-graders who attended the GEMs program
in Kona yesterday.
Madalyn McWhite-Lamson,
of Ocean View, supports the
GEMS program for
fifth-grade girls.
KA`U FIFTH GRADE GIRLS traveled to Keauhou Beach Hotel yesterday for the GEMS program, which stands for Girls Exploring Math and Science. They met women whose careers involve an education with math and science and were given time to talk to them about their careers. Among the professions explored were astronomy, medicine, alternative energy, pharmacy and marine biology. The event is sponsored by the American Association of University Women. One of its Ocean View members, Madalyn McWhite-Lamson, assisted with a workshop on Coral Reef Critters. 

HELCO IS WARNING the public of a scam. Individuals impersonating Hawai`i Electric Light Company employees have been contacting residents and businesses by telephone and asking for personal information. Impersonators are telling customers their electric bill is overdue and must be paid, or electric service will be disconnected. HELCO is aware of these calls, which were made on the Big Island. The company reminded all customers Wednesday to not provide personal, confidential or financial information to any unidentified individual. It urged customers to be cautious when responding to phone calls and to report any suspicious activity to HELCO at 969-6999 or police at 935-3311.

Hog the Bounty Hunter

A PIG looks out of  the window of a car parked alongside Hwy 11 near South Point Road. Tourists are stopping by to take photos and see the pig is stuffed. To find out more about this project by Roger Downing, see the website hogthebountyhunter.com.

PRINTMAKER AND ILLUSTRATOR Dietrich Varez and author David Kawika Eyre are among dozens of Hawaii artists and artisans who will help the Volcano Art Center kick off the holiday season at its annual Christmas in the Country celebration Saturday and Sunday, and then over the Thanksgiving weekend from Friday through Sunday, Nov. 26-28. 

VOLCANO ART CENTER’S Niaulani Campus in Volcano Village hosts a Poetry Slam tonight at 7 p.m. In this competition, poets read their own works, and the winners receive prizes. Call 967-8222 for more information. Admission is eight dollars.

ST. JUDE EPISCOPAL CHURCH in Ocean View hosts its second annual Plant, Craft and Ye Olde Bake Sale tomorrow, Nov. 20 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

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